Quality Guarantee
The Swedish Consumer Sales Act grants all Swedish consumers a three year mandatory legal guarantee. It makes it one of the longest in the world. Only Norway has a longer mandatory legal guarantee longer, 5 years. Sofa Bed Expert aims to deliver the best possible products to our customers. We sell quality products that we know last. We guarantee the quality of our furniture fabrics for at least 5 years.
What does the guarantee cover?
For all retail customers that shop with us we guarantee that all stitching on our furniture withstand normal wear and tear for at least five years. This extended guarantee applies to all stitching on all our fabrics, sofas and upholstered furniture. This guarantee applies to our entire selection. To be covered by this guarantee we require proof of purchase, for instance using a receipt.
Read more about the Consumer Sales Act and the Distance and Doorstep Sales act here:
https://www.hallakonsument.se/other-languages/english-engelska1/ (In English)
https://www.hallakonsument.se/other-languages/english-engelska1/consumer-sales-act/ (In English)
https://www.hallakonsument.se/other-languages/english-engelska1/distance-and-doorstep-sales-act/ (In English)
https://www.konsumentverket.se/vart-arbete/lagar-och-regler/ (In Swedish)
The Norwegian forbrukerkjøpsloven here:
https://www.lovdata.no/all/hl-20020621-034.html (In Norwegian)
Product Assortment Guarantee
It’s important for us at Sofa Bed Expert that all our customers feel safe with their purchases.
At Sofa Bed Expert no customer is too small or too inconvenient. If you need an extra bed cover or something else for your sofa bed two years after your sofa bed purchase we will help you as much as possible. We guarantee that we will help you in any way possible after you’ve purchased your sofa bed.
We guarantee that as long as the products are still in production and can be ordered from the manufacturer, you can reorder and purchase spare parts from us. We sell quality sofa beds that last a long time that’s why we also sell a large collection of spare parts, accessories and furniture care products for your sofa bed. Of course you can always purchase these products after you’ve purchased your sofa bed and need to compliment your original purchase. On our website we provide advice on how to take care of your furniture. You are always welcome to call us and ask questions. We love to hear from our customers!
Furniture Protection Guarantee
Accidents happen and a nice recently purchased sofa can get a stain that‘s hard to clean. In cooperation with Leathermaster and Möbeldoktorn(English: The Furniture Doctor) we now offer a furniture protection guarantee that lets you feel safe in the event of an accident.
You can either purchase a fabric care or a leather care package for your sofa and insurance is included. When your sofa has been delivered you can visit Leathermasters website and register the code that came with your fabric or leather care package and you’ll get a one year furniture protection guarantee for free. You can renew your insurance within three years by purchasing a new furniture care package.
In the event of an accident you simply call Leathermasters service phone number and they’ll help you remove the stain with the appropriate furniture care product. In the worst case scenario you’ll have to visit one of Leathermasters furniture care doctors from their nationwide network to get the help you need.
Read more about Leathermasters furniture protection guarantee here: