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Sofa Beds

When looking for a sofa bed it is important to consider if it is going to be used every night or only occasionally by guests as an extra bed. Our buyers guide helps you find the right sofa bed for your needs. Visit the buyers guide to learn more.

Futon Sofa Beds

A futon sofa  bed. A firm bed for the ones who likes a firmer option in natural material. You choose your self if you want to buy just a frame ore the whole sofa bed with mattress in natural materials. You find a guide and description for the different mattress options for the futon sofa beds under Buyers guide under “Information” in the main menu.

Other Sofa Beds

Here under other sofa beds we have collected a collection of other sofa beds like bunk sofa beds, day beds ore side folded sofa bed that becomes a bed i a hart beat. These sofa beds are available with a choice of several different mattresses and spring systems. 


